
Python qr code reader library
Python qr code reader library

Instead of adding part by part, I will share the whole function with you. Let’s import the libraries we installed before we write to the function: #import libraries import cv2 from pyzbar import pyzbar

  • And lastly, exporting the stored information as a text document.
  • Adding the stored information as a text on the recognized barcode/QR code.
  • Recognizing and decoding the barcode/QR code that we will be showing to the camera.
  • The decoding function will be doing mainly three things, and can be listed as follows: In this step, we write the decoding function, where most of the cool things will be happening.


    # Mac OS version brew install zbar # Windows OS version pip install pyzbar You can also learn more from Pyzbar’s official documentation page. I will show both Mac OS and Windows installation lines. Installation of Pyzbar library is different depending on the computer you are using. Reference: pip install opencv-python Pyzbar OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in commercial products.

    python qr code reader library python qr code reader library

    OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source computer vision and machine learning software library. Official documentation can be found here. And lastly Pyzbar, a python library that will help us read the barcode and QR codes. OpenCV is a well-known library, especially when working with computer vision projects. Pillow library is also known as PIL, which stands for Python Image Library. In this step, we will install the following three libraries: Pillow, OpenCV and Pyzbar.

    Python qr code reader library